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  • Apply nourishing cuticle oil twice a day and more importantly under the free edge - It is enriched with oils to rehydrate and condition the natural nail plate and will not cause any lifting to the product. Cuticle oil is available to buy at Nail Envy Stanley.

  • Wear gloves when washing up, gardening or applying fake tan.

  • Wash your hands after applying sunscreen.

  • Avoid S.P.F. products, tinted lotions and hair colour on your new nails as these can discolour the product, always wash hands thoroughly after use or wear gloves.

  • If you have caught or broken a nail please make an appointment for a repair.

  • Do not pick, peel or bite your nails, they are not indestructible. Picking, peeling or biting will cause damage to the natural nail.

  • Book you maintenance appointment every 3 weeks to avoid disappointment.

  • Use the pads of your fingers rather than your nails for opening car doors, making the bed etc.

  • Open cans with a knife and not your fingers.

  • DO NOT file your nails unless absolutely necessary, take care and file in one direction and not a sawing action as this can chip the seal.

  • Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals such as cleaners or acetone based nail polish removers. Always wear gloves.

  • Finally, Take care of your nails! They are not indestructible, but by keeping to theses points you can ensure that your nails will be as fresh as the day it was done.

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